Changing Seasons CONTEST!!!!
In honor of the changing seasons, L Boudoir is holding a little contest. The prize will be a FREE boudoir session with hair and makeup, as well as a few other perks!!!
The purpose of this contest is to encourage the concept that boudoir portraits are something ALL women can do! Who doesn’t deserve to be pampered for a few hours with hair, make-up, champagne and laughs??
But this isn’t just about feeling good, it’s also about CHANGE.
Just like seasons, there is amazing potential for change in all of us: change in your confidence, change in your self-esteem, change in the way you view your beauty, and change in the way you view your “sexy-side”!!!
Or, maybe there has already been change in your life: you’re in a new relationship, you’re getting married, you just had a baby, you recently lost weight, or went through relationship challenges…
There are so many ways to welcome and celebrate the changing seasons of our lives!
The Prize: A Boudoir Photo Session Experience
Pre-session consultation with Charlotte to go over details and ideas for your shoot. This can be done either in person, by Skype, or via the phone.
- Professional hair and make-up with false eye lashes.
- Complimentary wine or champagne.
- As many “looks” as we can get done in 1.5 hours of shooting time (typically 4-5).
- Unlimited backgrounds/sets.
- Retouching will be done on ALL images. Typically with 4-5 looks you will have around 50+ images to choose from. Retouching includes: smoothing/softening fine lines, blemish and stretch mark removal, and other fun techniques used to tuck and tweak, here and there. Don’t worry you will still look like you, just even more AMAZING!!!
- Beautiful custom 5×5 album with 10 of your favorite images.
- Three full resolution digital files.
Enter the contest for yourself or nominate a friend who you think deserves this experience. I only ask that you let the friend know you are doing it, and they agree!
This contest is open to both Colorado residents and Iowa residents! (I will choose one winner from each state).
Here’s how to enter:
- Like L Boudoir’s Facebook page: !
- Write a short snippet about what changes have occurred in your life lately, or what change you would like to see, and also what you (or your friend) would think about winning this contest!
- Email this story, along with a photo of yourself to with the subject “Changing Seasons Contest – (+state)”. (Please indicate whether you live in Colorado or Iowa).
- Submissions will be accepted until 1pm on April 22nd. I will then choose my favorite top 3 and put the story (and photo) on Facebook for voting!
- From the 3 favorite stories, the entry that gets the most likes by 1pm on April 29th will be the winning lady!!
sea•son – NOUN
one of the four periods of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter), beginning astronomically at an equinox or solstice, but geographically at different dates in different climates, a period of the year characterized by particular conditions of weather, temperature, etc.: the rainy season.
sea•son – VERB
to heighten or improve the flavor of (food) by adding condiments, spices, herbs, or the like. to give relish or a certain character to: conversation seasoned with, to mature, ripen, or condition by exposure to suitable conditions or treatment: a writer seasoned by experience. to dry or otherwise treat (lumber) so as to harden and render immune to shrinkage, warpage, etc.